April 3rd is the day – it’s Girls’ Day, and RI is in! We’re taking the time to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look. This is a great opportunity to experience different careers up close:
How does an idea turn into a model in design and engineering?
What’s it like working in a physics lab?
What does a typical day look like for a warehouse specialist?
What does an industrial mechanic do?
And what skills does a machining technician need?
You’ll get to explore all this and much more at our Girls’ Day event!
What’s in store for you?
Your day at RIk icks off with a warm welcome and the chance to meet the other Girls’ Day participants. One of our experts will introduce you to what we do at RI, give you fascinating insights into our company, and answer all your questions about working with us. Next, you’ll visit the workplace of your choice, where you can shadow our team and see firsthand what makes your chosen career path so exciting. After a shared lunch, it’s time to get hands-on! You’ll have the chance to unleash your creativity and try out some practical tasks yourself.
Sounds interesting? Then join us for a day packed with technology, hands-on experience, and inspiration!
Sign up online at https://www.girls-day.de/ or via e-mail to personal@research-instruments.de - please be sure to mention which career interests you the most!
Design engineer, physics laboratory technician, warehouse specialist, industrial mechanic, or machining mechanic.
Corporate Headquarters
RI Research Instruments GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 75
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel.: +49 2204 – 7674 – 100
(New since August 2024)
Dortmund site
RI Research Instruments GmbH
Hauert 15
44227 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 2 31 – 4764 – 590
Obereschbach site
RI Research Instruments GmbH
Heinz-Fröling-Straße 3
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel.: +49 2204 – 7674 – 100
(New since August 2024)