We are thrilled that Rheinisch-Bergische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft is featuring our company as a "hidden champion“ in a post on their RBW blog, noting that "only a few people know about the groundbreaking visions of science and research being brought to life here with exceptional craftsmanship."
A huge thanks to author Karin Grunewald, who has managed to turn our often exotic-sounding areas of work into an engaging and wonderfully readable article. She writes:“At RI Research Instruments GmbH, it’s all about particle acceleration and nuclear fusion, superconductivity and quantum computers, and plenty of superlatives: temperatures hotter than the sun, acceleration close to the speed of light, probably the most complex machine in the world. It’s about high-tech chips, infinite energy supply, and even curing cancer. In short, it’s about constantly pushing the boundaries of knowledge and what is technologically feasible."
Curious? Here is the full text (in German only): https://rbw.de/research-instruments-if-you-can-think-it-we-can-make-it/
Corporate Headquarters
RI Research Instruments GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 75
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel.: +49 2204 – 7674 – 100
(New since August 2024)
Dortmund site
RI Research Instruments GmbH
Hauert 15
44227 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 2 31 – 4764 – 590
Obereschbach site
RI Research Instruments GmbH
Heinz-Fröling-Straße 3
51429 Bergisch Gladbach
Tel.: +49 2204 – 7674 – 100
(New since August 2024)